Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's now Wednesday, around 1:43pm local time. Lukas had therapy this morning at 9am. Grandpa took him because I had to go to the local Public Service Bureau to see if I can apply for another visa entry permit into China. We are thinking of travelling to Hong Kong (only takes 1 hour drive) to do some research and come back same day. So we have to apply for another visa.

Then Lukas took a nap and just woke up for his lunch at around 1pm. He's now playing with grandpa and I will get some work done for the day including doing some apartment hunting. I had mentioned that I still have the smoking problem on the 14th floor. I've contacted all the powers that be to see if they can enforce this policy in some ways. And so far, they come up with one solution which is for the smokers to smoke in the stairs close to the exit doors. ---RITA--- I think your room will be next to this exit stairs from what the staff told me. I am on the other side of the floor. Anyhoo, starting today hopefully people will agreed to the policy. We'll see. In any case, I'm doing some apartment hunting today and tomorrow. If I find something suitable I will move out. SUSAN --- I should have taken your advice and found a place beforehand. Although it may not be as convenient for us, I think my son's health outweighs all those problems. So, I will make my decision to stay in the hospital or not as soon as I do some research.

As far as treatment goes, the doctors and nurses have been very nice and helpful. There are communication issues, because the doctors and nurses can speak alittle English. And the coordinators are accommodating but they have to take care of many people here as well. And I am lucky to have a local friend so I do not want to bother the coordinators as much. Overall, the staff here is wonderful so far.

Also I went to check our Lo Hou next to the Hong Kong border and it's huge. So much cheap and fake stuff. So Rita, I will take you there. You can buy everything and bring it back to the U.S. to sell it on Ebay. :)

For today, Lukas will ahve therapy again at 2:10 pm, followed by dinner. Then he will play a few hours and then go to sleep. As for me, I need to leave now and check out a few places and go to the grocery store.

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