Thursday, October 12, 2006

It's 7:20 P.M. right now. I fed Lukas dinner at 6 P.M. and he ate a huge bowl of stew I made for him yesterday. He is now sound asleep and will probably wake up at midnight and go back to sleep after playing for one hour. Then he and I will sleep together until morning. Lukas seems to really like stews I make using alot of veggies and meats in the crockpot. Overnight, the stew becomes really tender and nutritious. Each time he eats about 1 large bowl. If I don't feed him fast enough, he would holler "an an an" which means "eat eat eat" in my language. Anyhow, so far I haven't seen much changes in Lukas yet. There might be really subtle changes.

Grandpa has been really wonderful in taking care of Lukas. My back has been weak lately and I can not carry anything over 10 pounds before my back gives out. So, it's been hard to hold Lukas and I'm grateful that grandpa is doing all the holding.

Anyhoo, I went apartment hunting today and it's either really cheap or really pricey. For Lukas's sake, only the best will do. We are trying to get away from all the smoke here, so we have to stay in the best place. Only those places have no smoking regulations. All other places allow smokers to smoke everywhere, or it doesn't have AC. Here, you definitely need AC. It's so hot and humid here.

There are a number of people here trying to convince me to stay because we seem to get along really well. I respect them and they respect me. We have mutual respect for each other. I want to take this opportunity to take those people for their kind and warm words: Sally and Kim, Debra and Jean, Gabby and Kami, Cris and family, and Bill. But there's a group of people who like to smoke whenever they feel like it; and it's frustrating trying to complain about those people. They just don't follow the rules. There is a designated smoking area now and they don't use it. Some of them do, but most don't. They have to light up whenever and wherever they like.

One of the smokers is a mother of a small baby patient. She is now really angry at me for complaining about the smoking. The thing that really piss me off is how she is taking it out on Lukas. That @$@Q#$%!!!! Let me tell you what happened. This morning, Lukas was using his Rifton walker to take steps down the hall. He's been walking really fast now in his walker. Lukas suddenly stops right in front of that person's door. When she saw Lukas standing in front of her door, she slammed the door in Lukas's face really really really hard and loud. My father was watching this happen and couldn't believe it. I was in the bathroom and had heard the door slamming but wasn't sure what it was. I realized it was that wench slamming the door in Lukas's face. When my father told me about it, I was ready to go over there and beat the hell out of her!! I may be petite, but I got a couple moves I can use if needed. My father calmed me down and told me it's no use stooping down to their level. They are nothing... a bunch of idiots who obviously can't read or understand what "No Smoking" means even after explaining it to them in their native language.

It's simply too hard to enforce a no smoking policy as only some people follow the rules, not all. It only takes one smoker to fill the entire floor of smoke and for all of us to inhale the second hand smoke. Gabby, a very nice and sweet Romanian patient here, told me that they (the smokers) can wait a few minutes and go to the designated area to smoke. Why do they have to light up right away and break the rules. Just like when they run out of cigarettes, they have to wait and go to the store to buy a new pack. So they can wait just the same to go to the designated area to light up. Well, what Gabby said really makes sense. But, there's only some of us who feel this way.

Anyhow, take care y'all and I'll let you know when we move out. Thanks everyone for reading this blog and praying for Lukas. That's what's important. I want to move out to get away from all this negativity and just focus on Lukas's healing. I don't want to deal with all the smoking issue and how other's anger is directed towards my child!!!

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